During the Islamic Golden Age, usually dated from the middle of the 8th century to the middle of the 13th century, scholars and engineers of the Islamic world contributed enormously to the arts, literature, philosophy, sciences, and technology, both by preserving and building upon earlier traditions and by adding their own inventions and innovations.
Muslim philosophers and poets, artists and scientists, princes and laborers, created a unique culture that has influenced societies on every continent. Scientific and intellectual achievements blossomed during the Islamic Golden Age.
The Islamic Golden Age was inaugurated by the ascension of the Abbassid Caliphate and the transfer of the capital from Damascus to Baghdad. The Abbassids were influenced by the Quranic injunctions and hadith such as "the ink of scientists is equal to the blood of martyrs" stressing the value of knowledge. During this period the Muslim world became the unrivaled intellectual center for science, philosophy, medicine and education as the Abbasids championed the cause of knowledge and established a "House of Wisdom" in Baghdad; where both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars sought to translate and gather all the world's knowledge into Arabic.
Many classic works of antiquity that would otherwise have been lost were translated into Arabic and later in turn translated into Turkish, Persian, Hebrew and Latin. During this period the Muslim world was a cauldron of cultures which collected, synthesized and advanced the works collected from the Chinese, Persian, Egyptian, North African, Greek, Spanish, Sicilian and Byzantine civilizations.
Many vicious allegations have been made against Islam as being a violent and barbaric way of life.
Insha'Allah I hope that my video can act as part rebuttal to those who have amnesia or ignorance towards what Muslims and the Islamic way of life have done for the world.
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